
CA: 2WDNw37e6An3SLVawKS24KB6Rxgo7r6ux19rgyd5iBws

Ownership Renounced

Liquidity 100% Burned

Total Supply: 100 Million LECAP

No Presale - No Airdrop

LeBron- world’s biggest capper,

or just legendary intuition?

Mobile Phone Mockup

He knew that...

Got a bad feeling about tomorrow...

He predicted the impossible...

690, 420

Aug. 31, 1939

All leading to...

A legendary prediction for LeBronWifCap

CA: 2WDNw37e6An3SLVawKS24KB6Rxgo7r6ux19rgyd5iBws

LECAP video generator coming soon

Please be advised that $LECAP is a cryptocurrency created for entertainment purposes and is not affiliated with or endorsed by LeBron James. While $LECAP may reference or incorporate elements related JeBron James’ persona, image, or likeness, it does not imply any direct endorsement, partnership, or approval by LeBron James. Any resemblance or association between $LECAP and LeBron James is purely coincidental and intended for satirical or humorous purposes. This token is simply a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return.